A Practical Handbook in Language Testign for the Second Language Teacher. Por Eleana Shohamy. Experimental edition. Israel: Shoshana Goldberg; 1985

Harold Orsmby


In think it is reasonable to view all introductory language testing textbooks as attempts at communicating with those who, in the last analysis, are the most frequent and therefore really the most experienced practitioners of language testing: classroom teachers. We seem to be aware that it is the teacher who is
in immediate, constant contact with students and who must make immediate, on going decisions about them; just as we seem to be aware that what language teachers need to know about testing is somehow different from what others who work in the field need to know.

Palabras clave

enseñanza de segundas lenguas; lenguaje; examenes; plan de clase;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1989.10.112

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