Polysemy and synonymy in the lexico-semantic group of great volume in English

Clara Nora Moreira, Ana Luisa Argüelles, Nivaldo Negrín Márquez, Jesús Cabrera Llanes


In this article; the authors offer a brief analysis of thé theory of semantic fields; they apply the study of semantic fields to a selection of English vocabulary to prove the validity of componential analysis in the determination of a semantic field. In order to determine a lexico-semantic group; the authors propose several steps; including the semasiological and onomasiological approaches; as well as other methodological procedures. They make a contribution to the analysis of the semantic relations that exist among lexical items and to a better understanding of the systemic nature of vocabulary.


Semantic Fields; English vocabulary;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1993.17.180


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