Los adverbios en -mente. Una alternativa de clasificación y algunos problemas relativos a su constitución

Irma Munguía Zatarain


In this paper I will present two different proposals related to the Spanish -mente adverbs. The first one refers to the semantic characteristics of these adverbs which manifest themselves in a different semantic behavior. Based on this analysis; I will introduce an alternative classification for this group of adverbs on a semantico-syntactic basis. On the other hand; I will attempt to identify which adjectives (the so called “qualifiers”) cannot accept the -mente suffix; and why is this the case. In so doing the frame of reference to be used will be Government and Binding Theory. The aim of the study is to obtain a better knowledge about the nature of these forms; which would be useful in advancing a proposal of a AdvP category; which is different from the other previously studied lexical categories.


Spanish; Spanish - adverbs; Descriptive Linguistics; Semantics;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1994.19.241


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