Los verbos del español en el tepehuano del SE de Durango

Laura Campuzano Volpe


The topic of this descriptive work is the borrowed Spanish verbs found in Tepehuan; a Uto-Aztecan language spoken in the southeast of the state of Durango; Mexico. An analysis is offered of one hundred verbs which occurred in the Valente Cervantes Corpus of traditional stories and daily conversations (7 hours of recordings). The phonological; morphological; syntactic and semantic integration of the borrowed verbs without equivalent in the recipient language is described. Some phonological criteria are proposed for determining the age of borrowed verbs. The motivation for this paper arose from the need to establish some criteria for including borrowed verbs in the bilingual dictionary Tepehuan-Spanish as well as in the didactic material now in preparation.


Lingüística descriptiva; Lenguas índigenas; Tepehuano; Dialectología

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1994.19.246


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