Mantenimiento de la lengua minoritaria o de la identidad étnica

Roland Terborg


In many situations language is the symbol of the ethnic identity; but at the same time it fulfills truly communicative functions. Because acts of identity and communicative acts sometimes have contradictory aims; here we will separate them for analitical reasons. Both of them; in most situations (but not always) will be identical to locutionary acts and illocutionary acts. An individual expresses his identity with a group; but also shares a communicative routine with other individuals. This communicative routine is based on a common interpersonal history. When an act of identity which is only based on speech acts enters into conflict with the common routine the latter will overshadow the former. Consequently; there will be more possibilities for the maintenance of ethnic identity when it is not only based on speech acts.


Lingüística descriptiva; Lenguas indígenas; Actos verbales - identidad étnica;

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