Descripción y análisis de la reparación en una clase de inglés como lengua extranjera

María Reyes López


Addressing the topic of repair in the classroom responds to the current need for studying errors from an interactive viewpoint. Recently; the study of classroom interaction has grown; however; there are still many aspects which have received little treatment; among them; the one dealt with in this paper. It is my belief that repair is a central aspect in language classroom interaction; this study consists of an analysis of repair in a class of English as a foreign language at the Foreign Language Center (CELE); UNAM. The purpose is to identify some of the elements which intervene when a production problem occurs; as well as repercussions in interaction. I analyze the path followed by an instance of repair at the moment of occurrence; the type of language involved; and aspects of courtesy prevailing at the moment the repair takes place.


Enseñanza de lenguas; Interacción en el aula; Enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera;

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