Obviación y control en los complementos de subjuntivo e infinitivo

Marta Luján


The controlled and obviative reference of a subject pronoun in an infinitive or subjunctive complemen t is described in terms of Binding principles A and B; respectively. Hestvik's (1992) LF-movement of pronouns and reflexives to define their binding domain; together with Lujan's (1994) analysis of CP's Case-marking and the Case locus distinction ‘SPEC vs. Head'; allow a Move-a account of Exceptional Case Marking (ECM) which uniformly characterizes control and obviation as ECM structures at LF. Control or obviation result when a CP's subject pronoun LF-moves out of its CP domain/landing in a position Case-marked 'OBJ' or ACC' by a matrix V. Its co-indexing or contra-indexing depend on whether the pronoun is identified as reflexive or irreflexive by local (null/overt) agreement. The account predicts the absence of obviation in subjunctive complements not involving ECM structures; while it also derives the Subject vs. Object control difference with double object verbs; such as promise and permit.


Descriptive linguistics, Spanish, Pronoun, Subjunctive, Complement – obviation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1996.23.295


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