Prefijos nominales de persona en pima bajo: algunas decisiones de análisis

Zarina Estrada Fernández, Susan Steele


Pima Bajo has three sets of homophonous prefixes which are possessive; mark the person and number of the subject; or of the object. Given the assumption that linguistic forms are taken to be either operators or operands (functors and arguments); this paper argues that the possessive; subject marking; and object marking comprise a single set; where each member of this set is a phonological reflex of an operation that supplies a person value to an appropriate operand. The approach of this paper allows us to explain phonological sequences with multiple syntactic functions. The analysis proposes that morphological operations introduce pieces of information to a word's feature structure; and that these pieces of information and not the phonology of the word; are what counts to make up the syntactic structure.


linguistics; Pima Bajo; linguistics forms; Phonological; Morphological operations

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