El poder y el deber de la cortesía verbal. Un estudio contrastivo del españo y del italiano

María Luisa Quaglia Arduino


This work is a contrdsting study of the verbal sequences that express the deontic polite modality in Spanish and Italian. The starting point is the theoretical frame that considers the deontic modality from the triple operational; logical and pragmatic perspectives. Proposing its definition in dynamic terms; the intention is to offer a view of the more complex deontology; but also a more close vision of its real nature as it can be observed in the enunciation expression. The second point treated is the polite expression of the deontic modality starting from the concepts developed by Charles Pierce (1965); according to Henk Haverkate’s interpretation (1990). The focal point is set on the symbolic and indexical courteousness stated by the verbal exhortatory acts of permiso and obligación found in Spanish and Italian modal periphrasis using querer; poder; ir a plus infinitive and volere; potere; dovere plus infinitive; as well as andaré plus past participle.


Pragmatics; sociolinguistics; politeness; study Spanish constrastivo - Italian; Spanish periphrasis modal ; Italian modal periphrasis;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1996.23.315


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