Resultados de la aplicación del método de combinación de oraciones como factor de incremento de la madurez sintáctica para redactar

José Francisco Mendoza, Roberto Domingo Cáceres


The sentence-combining method is an instrument which increases syntactic maturity in composition. We measured the syntactic maturity in writing assignments at the beginning and end of university-level composition courses given to groups that used the sentence- combining method and in several that used other methods. The linguistics units studied included: the number of words; number of clauses (subjet+complement); and T-unit length (subordinating and subordinate clause; independent clause; coordinated clause or juxtaposed clause). The overall number of T-units used was counted; as well as; the number of words; number of clauses; number of subordinated clauses; and number of adjetive clauses within each T-unit. This evaluation was complemented with an analysis of the porcentages of subordinated; coordinated; and adjetive clauses used in each composition.


Acquisition of language; syntax; method combination of prayers sentences; University students; words; clauses; composition;

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