Aspectos metacognoscitivos en el proceso de escribir y sus consecuencias para la enseñanza de idiomas extranjeros
This article is aimed at presenting some cognitive aspects of the research project “Wissen und Textproduzieren” (“Knowledge and text production”); in order to apply its results to foreign language text production. The project is part of an interdisciplinary investigation on “Tensions and transitions between oral and written speech ”; which is being carried out in Freiburg; Germany. So far; the situational context has been analyzed mainly for spoken language. However; written communication also requires a situational analysis in order to understand the different steps in producing a text. In his research “Metakognition beim Textproduzieren” (“Metacognition in text production”; 1992); Alexander Winter explains the following points: First; text production is not affected by the real context; but rather; by the author's subjective representation of this context. Second; the author himself/herself and his/her attitude towards text production are also part of the situational context. Winter analyzes how metacognitive strategies help control the writing process and presents some
methodological strategies to improve it. Producing a written text in a foreign language implies some obstacles - not only language deficiencies; but also an insufficient knowledge of text conventions and intercultural
genre differences hinder an automated process and demand certain cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Therefore; Winter's research can be used in foreign language teaching to develop classroom activities that encourage metacognitive knowledge development. Not only should the students learn to change their perspective when producing a text; but they should also learn to control the writing process; in order to become more sensitive towards both text production and reception.
methodological strategies to improve it. Producing a written text in a foreign language implies some obstacles - not only language deficiencies; but also an insufficient knowledge of text conventions and intercultural
genre differences hinder an automated process and demand certain cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Therefore; Winter's research can be used in foreign language teaching to develop classroom activities that encourage metacognitive knowledge development. Not only should the students learn to change their perspective when producing a text; but they should also learn to control the writing process; in order to become more sensitive towards both text production and reception.
Metacognitive; text production; academic discourse; teaching foreign languages
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