Formación de asesores de la mediateca del CELE: Reporte del diseño de un seminario de preparación para profesores interesados en trabajar en una mediateca

Ma. del Carmen Contijoch Escontria


This article reports the design; implementation and evaluation of a seminar for teachers who initiated their training in the area of self-directed learning. In order to start offering counselling to learners in the self-access centre at the Centre for Foreign Languages; a seminar that could offer sensitization towards this area was needed. This seminar is based on a reflective model for teacher education having considered reflection as a key element within the training process. The methodology which was followed allowed teachers to experiment; analyse; practise and evaluate the different aspects which they needed to work on. Conclusions showed that the seminar was just the initial step towards a continuous counsellor’s development.


self-directed learning; Reflective Model of Teacher Training; self-access center consultant; methodology of language teaching;

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