Inglés, español, o "spanglish" en los Estados Unidos: un largo debate para el siglo XXI

Yanira B. Paz


The confirmation by US Census reports that the Hispanic population in the United States has become that country’s largest minority will have important implications in the political, cultural, social, and educational discussions of the 21st century. One of the most important aspects of this discussion, on both sides of the border, involves the language that this largest minority will use, be that English, Spanish or Spanglish. Teachers, writers, intellectuals -hispanic or anglo- understand the urgency to reinvigorate this debate; since one vital aspect in the process of defining identity for this powerful minority is language. This article will critically analyze a variety of positions involved in this controversial debate, reaching beyond the polarizing arguments for purity of language, whether Spanish or “English only”, and will conclude with some possible scenarios for the new millennium.


bilingualism; Spanish in the United States; language planning; Spanglish; Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; Hispanic

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