Dos experiencias en el aprendizaje autodirigido: implicaciones para el diseño de materiales y los patrones de interacción en el CAA

Georgia M. K. Grondin Augustin, Pauline Moore Hanna, Guadalupe Rubí Flores


In the field of foreign language teaching in Mexico the past two decades have seen high levels of investment in self-access centers and technology (Gremmo & Riley; 1995; Contijoch; 1998; Groult; 2005-6); partly motivated by claims as to the major benefits which can be obtained by developing self-directed autonomous learning (Knowles; 1975; Dickinson; 1995). However; it could be argued that these promises –engaged; responsible and efficient learners– are not being kept. This article presents a case study which follows two learners in their journey through autonomous language learning in the Self-Access Centre (SAC) of a Mexican public university. We believe that case study methodology can reveal operational weaknesses in SACs and; in this case; identify problems with the interactional patterns of users with the SAC as well as issues in materials design. The article closes with suggestions as to how the problems could be overcome.


autonomous learning; self-access centres; learning materials; interactivity patterns; foreign language

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