Analizar un caso histórico en un corpus de discursos periodísticos: Cuba y Estados Unidos (1906-1921)

Irene Fonte Zarabozo


This article outlines the most relevant theoretical foundations and criteria for setting up a corpus; as well as the methodological procedures and main results of a broad-scoped research project on the analysis of press discourse over time. The sources for the research were two Cuban newspapers from the beginning of the 20th century; and the objective was to study the discourse processes involved in the ideological representation of the nation of Cuba during its early decades as an independent republic. This was a conflictive representation; given the situation of dependence on the United States into which the Cuban republic was born. The main focus of this article; though; is on research methodology; a reflection on the validity; relevance and specificity of results of historical and political significance obtained from press discourse.


press discourse; reported speech; enunciative scene; Cuba-History; Cuban nation; press corpus

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