…Y a las pruebas me remito: Un acercamiento interdisciplinario a la justificación argumentativa

Lidia Rodríguez Alfano


This study analyzes opinions about the topic of “the crisis”; expressed in interviews made to residents in Monterrey; Mexico; in 1985-1986. The main objective is to identify the strategies through which the addresser justifies his/her opinion in order to persuade the receiver about the reliability of what has been said. Here; there has been articulated some proposals from the “new Rhetoric ”; the “integrated Rhetoric ”; the School of Neuchatel; and the French School of Discourse Analysis; specially in some chaired points about the inseparability of logic and rhetorical elements in argumentative procedures. According to the obtained data; in the semiformal and semi-informal discourse; which characterizes the sociolinguistic interviews; the justification procedures include deductive; inductive and analogical argumentations; disjunctive or conditional enunciates; the introduction of the point of view from authorized persons; and other types of rhetorical procedures such as contrasting model and antimodel; and directional reasoning; all of them intending to sustain the validity of the exposed opinion and to obtain persuasive purposes.


argumentative justification; argumentation; rhetoric; discourse analysis; sociolinguistics; enthymemes;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.2005.42.616


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