La transparencia del sistema ortográfico del español de México y su efecto en el aprendizaje de la escritura

Fernando Leal, Esmeralda Matute, Daniel Zarabozo


We present an empiric work in which we analyzed the frequency and types of written errors in texts written by 120 Mexican children; half of them have reading disabilities and the other half are normal readers. Our central hypothesis was that the shallowness/ opacity of the Spanish orthographic system will be evident in the frequency and the types of errors in both groups. Results showed that performance of both groups differs; the learning disability group compared to the normal readers; makes more errors; in the first group a wider range of error types is evident as well as a different distribution of such errors through out the established levels of shallowness. We conclude that the Spanish orthographic system is not as shallow for writing as it was stated. The error typology suggests that children with reading disabilities have phonological problems.


error analysis; dyslexia; writing; Spanish - spelling; school children;

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