La coherencia y la cohesión en textos escritos por estudiantes holandeses de español como LE

María del Carmen Teijeira Rodríguez, Kees van Esch, Pieter de Haan


This article presents the results of the analysis of coherence and cohesion in a corpus of native Spanish texts and a corpus of texts written by Dutch students of Spanish as a foreign language (FL). The texts analyzed are part of a group of texts collected for a larger research project carried out at the University of Nijmegen between 2002 and 2005 about the writing of argumentative essays in English as a FL and in Spanish as a foreign language and as a native language. The first results are published in 2004 in Estudios de Linguistica Aplicada by Van Esch, De Haan and Nas and are concerned primarily with quantitative aspects of the texts. In this article we present the results of the analyses from a qualitative perspective in relation to the variables coherence and cohesion. The first part discusses discursive aspects of writing. In the second part we present the methodology adopted, and the results of the analyses that have been carried out so far.


LE and L2 writing; argumentative essay; discursive competence; coherence; cohesion; mother tongue; Spanish as a foreign language; corpus

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