Gossip: Discursive strategies deployed in its construction

Fabiola Esmeralda López Rodríguez


Gossip, as a discursive genre, involves a complex semantic activity structured and driven by interpersonal needs. This research analyzes, using the tools of casual conversation analysis and appraisal theory, the discursive strategies used by participants to build a gossip. The corpus was gathered within the context of the personal network of a middle-class housewife in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara — particularly as regards her relations in the neighborhood. The results identified at least four basic components that alternate continuously: focus on third persons, exposition of substantiating behavior, expression of qualifying remarks and use of interactive elements. All the strategies analyzed are grouped around these components and seek to safeguard personal image.


discursive genre; casual conversation analysis; appraisal theory; personal network; women neighborhood relations


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.2018.67.723


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