Competencia léxica transicinal: Una aproximación contrastiva

Patricia Germany Germany, Ninette Cartes Enríquez


This is a contrastive study of one aspect of transitional lexical competence in students from different.Chilean educational institutions using Spanish as a native language (LI) and English as a second language (L2). For this purpose the lexical availability in three areas of interest in both languages used by the sample students was assessed. Contrastive analysis ofXR indicators was performed: average of answers given by the students in every area of interest; NDW number of different words obtained by analyzinf the corpus in every area of interest; and Cl, cohesion indicator, which points to the extent degree of coincidence in the students’word choice. These analyses were carried out in areas of interest in both languages in the different educational institutions of the sample. Statistic procedures such as variance analysis and student “t” were applied.


contrastive analysis; second language learning; lexicon; statistics; corpus; Chilean students

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