Un acercamiento al tema de afinidades lingüísticas: términos de parentesco en el túrquico y en el mayance

Eleanor Frankle Hecht


A comparative study of kinship terms in different linguistic groups is one of the approaches to establish affinities between them. In Indo-European; for example; it is clear that pater Latin; padre Spanish; père French; father English ;and Vater German have a common origin. One should expect to find such relations between Mayan and Altaic. Why did I select these two particular groups? A Swedish linguist had affirmed that the Mayan languages are definitely part of the Altaic family. To prove his assertions; he offered a number of glossemes; but few of them are acceptable. I; on the other hand; have found a number of similarities between Mayan and Altaic with reference to word-formation; a morphologic aspect. But that does not establish any affinity when neither the roots nor the bases correspond phonologically nor show such developments. Furthermore; I analyzed a number of lexemes in Mayan which can be aligned with Turkic or Mongolian in view of the phonemic developments; thereby leading to only one conclusion: the words were adapted to Mayan but are not of one common origin. Apart from the theme itself; this brief study will be able to clarify a number of phonologic; phonemic and morphologic developments in both groups.


Linguistics; language groups - Mayan language groups - Altaic;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1993.17.183


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