El deterioro de la sílaba en un lenguaje patológico

Jose María Díaz de León, Anne Marie Mercier


The aim of this study is to formulate the inventory of an aphasia speech; with special attention to syllable deterioration. The phonetic and phonological aspects are analyzed without taking into consideration medical problems. The analysis; then; is done at three levels: First; the subject's production was transcribed underlining the different abnormalities; secondly; the phrase that from the auditory point of view seemed most deteriorated was analyzed in the sonography; finally; some observations were formalized in order to obtain the phonological description.
The analysis shows that syllable deterioration is due mainly to two factors: 1) the tendency of some vowels ( the closed series [ I ]; [y] [u]) to disappear; 2) the substitution of one vowel for another. Also; it was observed that accentuated syllables always remain intact.


Speech; Phonetics and phonology

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1981.1.23


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