Aprendizaje vs. Adquisición de segunda lengua: ¿Un conlficto de intereses?

Martha C. Muntzel


Research in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) particularly in pedagogical situations can give clues to resolving the conflict that exists between learning and acquiring a second language. There exists a “conflict”  because; in contrast with learning; it is assumed that the process of language acquisition requires little effort and results in perfect command of the language; while learning a second language implies an effort that usually results in inadequate handling ofL2. This article will discuss the relationship between learning and acquisition from the perspective of Universal Grammar. It concludes that in order for learning to be changed into L2 acquisition the conditions which existed in the acquisition of Ll have to be recreated.


Second language acquisition, Learning a second language, Universal Grammar, Applied linguistics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.1995.21.275


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