Tratamiento léxicográfico de un grupo problemático de mexicanismos

Luz Fernández Gordilla


The purpose of this paper is to show the necessity of establishing systematic principles for the treatment of gramatical; orthographic and pronounced dialectalisms in lexicographic works. Here; we describe the form in which four different types of semasiological dictionaries register this material; showing the problems that arise and suggesting possibilities for its lexicographic treatment. The selected dictionaries were: the academic dictionary of the Spanish language —general dictionary of the language—; the Diccionario del español usual en México —integral and synchronic dictionary of a dialectical zone—; the Diccionario de Mejicanismos of Santamaría and the Diccionario de americanismos of Morínico —constrasting dictionaries or differentials of a dialectical zone— and the Nuevo diccionario de americanismos —contrastive synchronic dictionary —.


Lexicography; semasiologicos dictionaries; lexicography; mexicanismos; dialectalismos; dictionaries

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