Hacia la armonización de la terminología usada en las normas del comité técnico iso/tc37: identificación semi-automática de términos problemáticos en un corpus

María Pozzi


In this paper the preliminary results of the Harmonisation of terminology used in ISO/ TC37 standards project are presented. This stage is concerned with the identification of terms that have been used inconsistently in the series of ISO/TC37 standards in order to modify them, thus harmonising their usage, by eliminating synonymy and polysemy. Since most automatic term extraction software are based mainly on statistical procedures and the size of our corpus is of a very limited size (137,587 tokens and 7485 types), it was decided to carry out a semi-automatic analysis to find all terms included in the sample.
Once identified, the usage of each term was further analysed to find and classify those which had been used inconsistently. Finally, each problematic term will be discussed and a solution will be proposed.


terminología; armonización; normalización terminológica; extracción de términos; norma internacional; sinonimia; polisemia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22201/enallt.01852647p.2003.38.752


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